Is Moca Moca SEC Registered in the Philippines (2024)?

Yes, Moca Moca is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of the Philippines under SEC registration No. 202105001295904. Here are the detailed steps you can follow to confirm this information:

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1. Verify via SEC List:

Moca Moca is listed on the SEC’s official list of Financing and Lending Companies. You can find this list on the SEC website at the following link: SEC Lending Companies List.

When you access the list, look for Moca Moca’s parent company, Copperstone Lending Inc. Their registration number, which begins with “CS” followed by a series of numbers, will be listed there, confirming their registration status.

2. Check Moca Moca’s Website:

Another way to verify Moca Moca’s registration is through their official website. Often, companies will mention their SEC registration details under sections like “About Us” or “Legal”. This can provide additional confirmation directly from the company.

Note on Recent Searches:

While specific searches for Moca Moca’s SEC registration in 2023 might not yield direct results, the current SEC list and their ongoing presence as a registered entity confirm their legitimate status as of 2024.


Moca Moca is indeed a registered financing entity with the SEC in the Philippines, and you can verify this through the SEC’s official list or the company’s own disclosures on their website. This ensures that Moca Moca operates within the legal framework set by the SEC, providing an added layer of trust for consumers and investors alike.

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